Beach Engagement Photos

If it's meant to be, it will be ... And, if it's true what they say about a picture being worth a 1000 words, then these tender images tell the sweetest story of love and determination--about going after what you want--even when the going gets hard. Via photographer Jessica Martz of Lux et Amor, here's Brittany and Jordan to give us a glimpse into their relationship as a military couple and about leaving a legacy of love for their future kids. And for a special treat, they also shared their proposal story with us too!

"Brittany and Jordan have known each other since they were 17. They have a lot in common: both ethnically mixed, both have brothers, both have the same outlooks on life, both can't shut up."

Beach engagement photos by Lux et Amor Photography

They were friends for the short time Jordan and his family lived in Louisville but after he left to move back to Arizona, Brittany assumed she'd never hear from him again. And she didn't for another 2 years. Then, Jordan phoned her out of the blue. After that afternoon of the first call, they talked every night after ... about EVERYTHING. It became common for them to be on the phone for hours. Jordan has always been a man who knows what he wants, so that next summer, he bought a plane ticket to come see Brittany in Kentucky. After that first visit, they decided they had to be together, despite the obvious challenge of being on two opposite ends of the country.

Beach engagement photos by Lux Et Photography

Beach engagement photos by Lux Et Amor Photography

The rest is history. It was another 2 years of long distance relationship before they were able to drive off to Tucson after Brittany's graduation for a year and a half reward of being side by side rather than on Skype. But once Jordan joined the military, they tackled another year and a half of long distance. To this day, they have a box full of letters and an inbox full of emails from the past 4 years and they are their most treasured possessions in their relationship.

Beach engagement photos by Lux Et Photography

They hope that one day their children can go through these and see how much mom and dad were in love. They realized the distance was also a gift, as it only made them stronger and conditioned them for the road ahead as a military couple. They wouldn't want anything different and continue to be best friends.

beach engagement photos

Beach engagement photos by Lux Et Amor Photography

beach engagement photos

Beach engagement photos by Lux t Amor Photography

Beach engagement photos by Lux Et Amor Photography

Beach engagement photos

Beach engagement photos by Lux Et Amor Photography

Beach engagement photos by Lux Et Amor Photography

Beach engagement photos by Lux et Amor

PROPOSAL STORY: Jordan was able to take leave in Kentucky to be with Brittany after his Combat Control School graduation in North Carolina. They promised each other that they would get dressed up and go on a fancy dinner date at least once while they were there, since they rarely get to do the normal couple stuff. That next Friday, Jordan was given the day off from helping out at the recruiter's office, so Brittany asked off work as well. They spent the day hanging out around town and at the mall, and planned to go out to dinner later that evening. At the mall, Jordan asked if she would like to go take a look at engagement rings. This was the first time they had been able to look together in person, since Brittany was very adamant about him picking something from his heart and not her opinion. Little did she know, that he had already bought a ring, taken her parents to lunch to ask their permission, and picked up the ring from her father earlier that day--who was keeping it hidden.

Later that night, they went to 610 Magnolia, the most elegant restaurant in Old Louisville. While Brittany was cracking jokes on how she couldn't understand the fancy menu, Jordan kept text-ing on his phone. After the appetizer, Jordan turned to Brittany and asked if she would stand. He came around the table and went down on one knee with the most beautiful ring she had ever seen. Brittany went into a stupor and will tell you now that she can't really remember what was said or who exactly in the restaurant started cheering first. The newly engaged couple was spoiled with champagne bought from surrounding tables, applause, and Brittany's family walking in to join them. They were waiting outside to come in on cue of Jordan's text! The ring was beautiful but the thought put into the proposal and the celebration was even more amazing.

The joy still hasn't worn off... they don't think it ever will!

Congratulations Brittany and Jordan! Thanks for sharing your story and your engagement photos with us. We wish you the absolute best! And we thank you both for your service!

Images by: Luxe et Photography