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One of my favorite things to do in the entire world is to wake up early on Saturday morning, curl up on the couch with my coffee, my husband (yes, in that order) and watch a...

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Here’s an inspiration board I put together to illustrate in concept, some of the top wedding trends of 2008. It’s a new year and with it, a new set of wedding trends. Up for...

How often do you hear people say “I’m just not that creative” or something similar? It’s unfortunate to hear because I believe everyone is creative in their own way. I like to...

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Grooms, how will you and your merry men be set apart with a unique look? I’ll go ahead and assume you won’t be sporting accessories like this fellow… There are other ways to...

Do you love to people watch? Are you curious about other people’s fashion statements? Do you simply want to know what people are wearing? Then check out The Sartorialist...