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The last two years have somehow managed to squeeze a decade of change into about 104 weeks, so it’s no surprise that weddings are changing too. Check out these wedding trends...
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Wedding vows are more than the pretty words leading up to your I-do moment. Vows are a promise and a thesis, setting the tone of your relationship together. It's not...
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Having a sense of humor is one of the best ways to get through wedding planning in one piece. But if you’re a couple that values a good giggle here and there, you may want to...
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A wedding planner can be part fairy godmother, part logistical magician. They have the ability to turn dreams into reality and can wrangle a spreadsheet with one hand tied...

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So much of what makes a wedding comes from decades or even centuries of tradition, but current events can also shape how we choose to say I do. In 2021, wedding trends are...
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There’s a fantasy-like aspect to writing out your wedding guest list, but there’s also a very practical side to the whole process. Deciding who you’ll invite and who you can’t...
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So many decisions to make! One of the first (and maybe hardest!) decisions of wedding planning is picking out the perfect wedding color palette. Color sets the mood and vibe...

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Be inspired by 10 save the date photo ideas from real couples! Cheers to you! You’re engaged, and now the wedding planning begins. Amid figuring out your wedding date, style...

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Maid of honor duties aren't always clearly defined ... this list will help. Now that you’re engaged, there are lots of decisions to be made. The wedding date, budget, venues...

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Yay, your guest list is done! And then you do the math. 250 guests x food/drinks/cake = OVER budget! Ugh. Now what? How do you save money, yet have the perfect wedding you...