Color Monday & 75th Anniversary

Being a wedding blog--we love all sorts of inspiration. For this Color Monday, we're taking our inspiration from Ellrich & Agnes who just celebrated their 75th anniversary. Their life long commitment is inspiring for all of us. But what's also inspiring {and so very fun!} is that their wedding colors from 75 years ago, are coming back into style! Agnes had this to say about their bold palette,

"We had such bright colors. We had peacock blue, shocking pink,
gold, and our little flower girl - who is 79 now - was in powder blue."


Isn't that interesting? I can imagine using those same colors today! Let's try them on some of our wedding invitations to see if your something old could be your color combination!




The cutest part is the flower girl in powder blue. So adorable! It would be a twist to have the flower girl featured in a different color. The contrast with the rest of the wedding party would be fun to see. Using powder blue as the "leaf" color in the Floral Surprise Wedding Invitation is a unique twist too.




oldisnew2-mathAgnes said her colors were bright, and what's brighter than shocking pink? It sure can be fun to use a bold color in your wedding. It won't be soon forgotten! The Classic Violet Wedding Invitation design is so traditional that it's fun change to see it in bold colors. This vintage inspired design instantly becomes modern and trendy.




blue wedding invitation



Peacock blue is a popular wedding color, then and now! Using it in the damask of Platinum Brocade Invitation showcases the color and design detail quite nicely.


These colors still seem interesting and fresh for weddings today! Your something old could certainly be your color combination, just used in different ways. Get inspired by your ancestors! You never know where your colors could come from.

These three invitations are also in Agnes' colors. Sometimes it's just fun to play around with color! Give them a try yourself with any Wedding Invitation.

DamaskDream HoneycombCluster TimelessStyle










Congratulations to Ellrich and Agnes!!!

Play around with color and let me know how it goes!



Designer for MagnetStreet