Dressing Your Flower Girl

"Isn't she adorable?" "look how darling..." "aww..."  are some of the type comments heard as the flower girl walks (or adventures) down the aisle.  Most certainly, the flower girl is adorable and the epitome of sweetness and innocence.   Her dress.  Her hair.  Her twirling around.  Totally cute!

And, I so appreciate it when a flower girl is dressed age-appropriately, like the little girl she is and not a sexy, glamorous adult like some dress designers would have us believe.  (OK, this part of the post is inspired by the fact that I was at a middle school orientation the other night with more cleavage exposed than I would have even thought possible at these ages.  OY VEY).

Brides, when you're browsing for your flower girl's dress, by all means ask the mom of your soon-to-be flower girl, what she is comfortable wearing.  Mom can also give you an idea of how much the child or young girl will tolerate i.e. accessories, up-dos, slippers vs. shoes, gloves, headpieces, etc.  A lot of what they are tolerant of, is dependent upon their age.  Bring them both along when you do go shopping.  You'll get a sense of her comfort style, the right dress length AND your flower girl can get her "twirl" down!

Now, for a hilarious, off the beaten path perspective on the role of "flower girl", check out Offbeat Bride blog and Ariel's interview with Dana, the male flower girl.  Yeah.  Funny.

Creative Commons Photo Courtesy of flower girl: eddidit

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