I Have a BEAN

Passionate about coffee. Passionate about people.

If you're a true coffee lover, your ears typically perk up when you hear expressions such as "heady aromas" "freshly roasted" and "Fair Trade" It's true, most of us can hardly resist the sounds of the grinder and the smells of fresh coffee on a daily basis! Enter... I Have a BEAN a roasting company that not only roasts and delivers specialty grade coffee~ they also brew hope and inspiration on a daily basis to ex-prisoners. Passionate about fresh coffee. Passionate about fresh starts.

Today is a shout out to a company that's making a difference + an awesome idea for couples needing great charitable wedding favors!

I Have a BEAN is the premium brand of coffee roasted and sold by Second Chance Coffee Company~ a roasting plant in the western Chicago suburb of Wheaton, IL.

How and Why ex-prisoners?

I had the pleasure of speaking with Pete Leonard, one of three partners that founded the company in 2007.

After a missions trip to Brazil in 2005, Pete was inspired to roast and sell great coffee back home. But, it wasn't until a relative and a former employee {of his then software co.} was convicted of a felony. Pete watched as this person was released and then started right back down the same road that led to prison the first time... aka recidivism. Recidivism is a cycle that doesn't seem to end for many. With that in mind...

Pete and his partners wanted to be part of the solution- knowing that "gainful employment, job training, and a nurturing community acceptance" plays a big part.

I Have a BEAN was formed in 2007 and have been roasting beans ever since. They employed their first former offender in August of 2009 and 6 more have followed suit.

Before getting hired, each former offender must go through an  "established post-prison re-entry program. "It's been both very hard work and very rewarding at the same time" said Pete. "Seeing people's lives change for the better makes everything worthwhile."

Pete and his partners have watched as men and women have come through their doors and then with dignity and confidence~ gone on to further their personal and career goals.

You simply must check out their fun site and read more about their mission and purpose.

Coffee Store & Gift Boxes

This is great coffee all! I have experienced their coffee and I can vouch that it is truly wonderful! MagnetStreet {Wheaton office} gets their coffee from I Have a BEAN and we send their gift boxes out as well!

Additionally, they have an aweome gift store and will even customize a gift box- just for you! 

Do yourself a favor {Brides, tell Pete I sent you} and visit their coffee store~ you'll find Fair Trade and organic options AND they will deliver to your doorstep if you're in the area OR they will ship it to your doorstep. FRESH COFFEE FOLKS... delivered to your doorstep! It's java bliss I tell you!

Thank you~ I Have a BEAN~ for bringing light into the world... one great cup of coffee at a time!

*This is not a sponsored post!It's simply a shout out to a great company doing great works as well as offering up a great idea for couples wanting to give charitable wedding favors to their guests.