Interview with Amanda Nistor: Ruffled Blog

Q & A with Amanda Nistor, Ruffled Blog ...

Ruffled was one of the first wedding blogs I fell in love with when we first started our Truly Engaging blog. I adored the vintage inspiration and the way brides were celebrating other eras with modern flavor and romantic style. I adore it to this day. That is why I'm excited to bring you Amanda Nistor, curator of Ruffled—one of the most popular wedding blogs today. Even beyond vintage inspiration, Ruffled is a site where creativity and sophistication convene in the most delightful ways.

Enjoy ... as Amanda shares ideas for the vintage-inclined as well as fashion advice for grooms, plus a few details from her her own vintage wedding and more!

Ruffled was born out of a need to plan for your 1930’s inspired wedding. How did your previous experience of online marketing at a fashion magazine help with that?
It broadened my perspective on what a blog is, and everything that it can be. Working at a large fashion magazine also was a reality check on how much work is involved behind any website...

Sometimes vintage and retro are used interchangeably. Can you tell us what the difference is?
Vintage is defined by any item that is older than 20 years, but the inspiration is subjective. Retro is often used for kitschy designs, and are typically used for new items with a nod to older elements.

As a 1930’s vintage bride, what was your wedding style like? Where did you draw inspiration from?
Our wedding venue was so ornate, we took inspiration from its architecture and bold Art Deco designs. The space was so gorgeous, we didn’t need to decorate much!

If a bride feels that a vintage wedding is for her, where is the first place she should start?
You can draw vintage wedding inspiration from so many places, I especially love getting inspiration from unexpected places that aren't wedding-related, such as architecture elements, antique furniture and jewelry and of course, old movies and magazines.

Does a guy have to be intrinsically fashionable to pull off a vintage aesthetic?
I love a tailored three piece suit, or even just a vest and dress pants . Also, a slim fit double breasted suit is a nice nod to a chic 1940s-1950s inspired wedding.

Can a vintage wedding ever be overdone?
You can't wrong when the couple's personality translates into their wedding, whether it's vintage or not!

Can you give us 5-10 vintage style, design, photo or decor ideas?
Vintage pharmacy/apothecary bottles as small vases, vintage cheese crates as centerpiece containers, vintage chandelier crystal beads as escort card hang tags, vintage books as ring holders, vintage Depression glass as candle containers, calligraphy on tea stained paper for menus and place cards, white on white decor or flower arrangements, anything with a rich fabric texture such as velvet or brocade.

What is the best means to giving a modern twist to vintage inspired wedding invitations?
I love when couples take inspiration from other ephemera such as vintage signs and incorporate a few elements from it on their wedding stationery. You can also never go wrong with mixing and matching vintage designs with modern colors.

What do you love most about Ruffled and being the purveyor of all things pretty and vintage?
My favorite part about Ruffled is reading the couples’ stories and getting to look at so many amazing photos everyday. I also love the eco-friendliness of vintage, and its nod to the couples’ family history.

Fun facts about Amanda

-Do you really drink coffee all day? Just one very large cup
-What do you like to do in your spare time? Thrifting
-Favorite flower? Ranunculus
-Favorite junk food? Cinnamon Rolls from Cinnabon...yum!
-Favorite book of all time? Blink
-Morning or evening person? Morning
-Introvert or extrovert? Introvert

Thanks Amanda- for inspiring us and for the treasure trove that is Ruffled ... full of real weddings, design and decor ideas and perfect for couples wanting to incorporate flavor and elegance into their wedding.