Making Your Wedding Unforgettable

What is it that you want your guests to remember about your wedding? Amazing food that your guests will rave about for weeks afterward? Music that keeps them shaking their tail feathers all night? Or, perhaps something much more exotic?

Am I implying one more thing to stress out about or to spend more money on~ just to make an impression? Not at all. I'm simply talking about giving your guests something special to remember your wedding by~ your signature, so to speak.

Let me explain. I received an email from Joy, who described a spectacular wedding and reception she had recently attended... At the reception, each table was given the name of a location rather than a number. The guest card indicated the table to sit at.  Joy sat at the Overture Center for the Arts.

"In the middle of the table was an explanation written out as to why this location was special to the couple. They had purchased season tickets at the Overture Center, and saw six plays that were new to both of them. And before each play, they dined at a new (different) restaurant. A table beside us was the Camp Randall - UW Football Games table. Another was The Vilas Zoo. And another, Concerts On the Square..." Joy said, "It was so interesting to get a glimpse of their relationship within the dating experience."

Offering a glimpse of your personality or in this case, into the dating experience, is such a creative and fun way to give your guests an experience, a memory~ a special take away of yourselves.

Via Elizabeth and Anne Designs, I read about another real wedding that is incredibly charming and illustrates my point beautifully as well.

What kind of signature will you leave? I'd love to hear your ideas!

Photo Courtesy: lucianvenutian
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