Save the Dates to Reflect Your Love Story

{our designs YOUR WAY}

Behind every good Save the Date, is a good love story.

And our first true love story begins with Mirella and Giuseppe who met... fell in love... and are now planning their wedding in beautiful, romantic Rome.  Sigh. In Mirella's words...

Guiseeppe and Mirella

Mirella and Giuseppe

Giuseppe and I met 6 years ago when I went to Rome to get my Master's degree and one evening only after 6 months I moved to Rome, destiny lead us to each other. We have been together ever since. Giuseppe is Italian and I am Italian-American. My father was born in Italy; I grew up going there every summer to visit my grandmother, aunts, uncles, and cousins. I knew that I wanted to spend an extended amount of time in Italy so I went there to study. I never imagined that I would meet the love of my life there and settle down there.  We chose the Colosseum and Arch of Constantine as the background for our STD photo because they are such icons of Rome and we thought that it would get are guests excited about coming to Rome for our wedding.

We chose a simple black and white background so that the picture would pop- we really wanted that to be the focus of a-11845 Save the Date Magnetour magnet, rather than some of the more beautiful designs that MagnetStreet has on their website. Also, we avoided using other colors because we are not 100% sure of our colors yet. We're leaning toward a classic white wedding with everything in light ivories, off white, or champagne colors~ but a very pale lilac is also on our list.

We are very excited for our upcoming wedding and showing my friends and family from the states my new home... Rome. While the wedding is not a classic destination wedding (because Rome is where we live) it is for our guests, so we have planned various events and tours for them.

Passing down a family tradition in this love story... I'll let Lyndsi explain

Lyndsi and Hal

{Hal's parents were married on his father's baseball Jersey #.  His mom wanted to be a June bride and his dad wanted #24. They were married on June 24, 1978}. WELL, two years into dating and in a passing conversation, my {now} fiance mentioned how he wanted to get married on the date of his highschool football jersey #.  I remember thinking... hmm if we were to get married, I wonder how that would work. His jersey # is 58. I was like, well I guess we could get married on May 8. Never said or thought anything of it from then on until earlier this year when I noticed May 8th was on a Saturday next year. So when he proposed to me (April 10) we knew the date right away! I also knew that the theme of the wedding had to be based around sports, and jerseys. (He claims this is how he'll remember our anniversary!)

Save the Date Mini Magnet B-11699

Save the Date... Over Memorial Day weekend we took a trip to NYC, CT and Boston. My fiance's sister bought us tickets to the Boston Red Sox game.  We stopped in the memorabilia shop where I noticed Paplebon's Jersey was #58, and I wanted to buy one. I had my fancy Nikon D60 camera with me and had his sister take the shots of us standing in Fenway before the game (against the Mets-crazy!!) b-11699

We'll probably use the picture with the jerseys with some favors and I heard a rumor that our parents are doing a photo-slideshow of us at the reception where I'm sure those pictures will come up again.

Thanks you guys... for sharing your stories with us! I love how you're creating excitement with your Save  the Dates and drawing your guests in with your unique story. That's what it's all about!


xo ~Heidi

1st Save the Date magnet: A-11845 Wall of Love

2nd Mini Save the Date magnet: B-11699 Love of Football