Stressing Over The First Dance?

The FIRST DANCE.  Just the two of you, in front of ALL your guests.  Is it something to stress about?  Do you take lessons... wow everyone with your Fred and Ginger-esque moves?  Do you see it as 3 LONG minutes where you simply rock back and forth~ and wait patiently for the song to end?

Or, perhaps you've shed enough happy tears watching videos to see that the First Dance can also be an opportunity to seriously get your groove on, get the party started, and surprise your guests!

This video is hilarious. Hi-liarous! Maybe you've seen it before.  But what I REALLY enjoy about this video, is the couple's ability to be transparent.  They are totally themselves and it translates beautifully.  Indeed, they've got great moves and have clearly put thought into their routine, but I can't imagine it was anything but FUN to coordinate.  And fun entertainment for their guests!

Don't stress about the First Dance.  Take lessons. Don't take lessons.  But be yourself!  Whatever you decide, HAVE FUN WITH IT!

What are you doing for your First Dance?