Unveiling the Best Reception Only Wording Ideas

Wedding Reception Invitation Wording Options

Wedding receptions are a time to celebrate the union of two people with their family and friends. However, some couples may opt for a private ceremony and only host a reception afterwards. This can be due to budget constraints or simply a desire for a more intimate ceremony. If you fall into this category, you may be wondering how to word your reception only invitation. In this article, we will provide you with four different scenarios for post-wedding reception invitation wording.

Scenario 1:
Private Ceremony,
Same Day Reception (Parents Host)

Reception Invitation on same day of private ceremony

If you have decided to have a private ceremony and only invite close family and friends, you may choose to have a reception immediately following the ceremony. In this scenario, it is common for the parents of the bride or groom to host the reception. Here is an example of how you can word your invitation:

Mr. and Mrs. Parents' Last Name
request the pleasure of your company
at the wedding reception of their daughter
Bride's First and Last Name
and Groom's First and Last Name
on Date
at Time
Venue Name

Scenario 2:
Private Ceremony,
Same Day Reception (Bride and Groom Host)

Reception Invitation Wording for same day reception Couple host

If you have decided to have a private ceremony and are planning to host the reception yourselves, you may choose to word the invitation differently. Here is an example of how you can word your invitation:

Bride's First and Last Name
and Groom's First and Last Name
request the pleasure of your company
at their wedding reception
on Date
at Time
Venue Name

Scenario 3:
Private Ceremony,
Later Reception (Parents Host)

Reception Invitation Wording for private ceremony

In this scenario, you have decided to have a private ceremony but would like to host a reception at a later date. The parents of the bride or groom may still choose to host the reception. Here is an example of how you can word your invitation:

Mr. and Mrs. Parents' Last Name
request the pleasure of your company
at a reception celebrating the marriage of
Bride's First and Last Name
and Groom's First and Last Name
on Date
at Time
Venue Name

Scenario 4:

Post-Destination Wedding Reception (Bride and Groom Host)

Reception Invitation Wording for destination reception later

If you have opted for a destination wedding and are planning a reception for when you return, you may choose to word the invitation differently. Here is an example of how you can word your invitation:

Bride's First and Last Name
and Groom's First and Last Name
request the pleasure of your company
at a reception celebrating our marriage
on Date
at Time
Venue Name

There are many ways to word your reception only invitation after your wedding, depending on your specific scenario. Remember to include all necessary information, such as the date, time, and location of the reception, as well as the hosts' names. With these examples, you can now create a personalized invitation that suits your unique situation.