A Pretty Little Find

I was browsing Etsy and searching up and down the internets yesterday looking for pre-cut Dove cards for one of our readers.  {I did find a few options but please leave a comment if you've got resources you can recommend too.  Thanks!}

Anyhoo, as I was getting lost on Etsy, I happened upon these terribly sweet French Lavender sachets from French seller Lamercerie.  I adore them plus they remind me of the year I tried to make lavender sachets for Christmas gifts~ although mine looked nothing like these!


Hand-embroidered designs on vintage cotton lace... a satin ribbon hanger... mother of pearl button... with lavender from her garden... to hang as decoration or to sweeten a drawer or closet.


I think they would make lovely hostess, bridesmaid, MOB and MIL gifts too!

What do you think?