Beautiful Shots from Around the Web

It's time once again to celebrate the fabulous photography I've seen around the web this week.   There is so much unique talent; I could literally spend my entire day exploring and scouring blogs for more, more more!

So, without further ado... Via Pink Galoshes, allow me to introduce NYC photojournalist Agaton Strom.

I'm enthralled by the softness... playfulness... and the intimacy of the above photo and the expression of a thousand words in the beautiful bride below. Stunning.

And, from Jared Wilson Photography...  Loving this adorable couple having the funnest fun in their engagement shots in the snow, while it's snowing.  Yikes!  Look how deep the snow is!

And, via Snippet and Ink, these outstanding shots from One Love Photo.

A stolen moment in the garden....  Earthy and romantic.  LOVE IT!  I'm also LOVING those blue shoes!

And how about this lil cutie pie who's definitely got her dancing shoes on?

and finally, from Jenna Walker Photography... This bride is radiant!  And, wow wow, what a church! Do I spy Honeycomb cereal at the candy bar...? Perfect.

Do something nice for yourself and spend some quality time checking out the rest of these real weddings on their blogs.  It's time well spent! Each talent and style so distinct...

Thanks for stopping by! Let me know you were here!