Beauty Tips for Skin

Who doesn't want to feel comfortable in their skin - especially a bride on her wedding day! Start as early as you can with an easy-to-follow- skin care regimen that's healthy and fits your skin type.  Check out these easy-to-follow tips for beautiful skin. But first ...

Antioxidants ... what are they? "Antioxidants {vitamins and minerals found in fruits & veggies} protect the body from damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals." {web md}

Free radicals ... what are they? Cause cell damage- breakdowns from normal body processes i.e. food, certain medications, pollutants i.e. smoke, heavy metals}. {web md}

tips for skin


10 Common Sense Tips for Beautiful Skin:

1.  Get enough sleep! Just think about how much sleep everyone got before electricity! If you know you need 8 hours, don't try to get by on 5.

2. Eat right- Eat fruits and veggies high in vitamin C {strawberries, citrus fruits, red peppers, broccoli} Nuts like sunflowers seeds and almonds have vitamin E and will help protect the skin from UV free radicals. Spinach, squash and red veggies are full of antioxidants. Lean meats, poultry, are good for getting zinc and iron and a healthy glow. Whole grains will help with clearer skin.  {check out the resource links below for the how & why}

3. Drink lots of water! Our bodies are mostly water so flush away those toxins with more of it. Try to drink about 6-8 glasses a day.

4. Minimize sun exposure Wear sun protection and use a quality and natural lip balm.

5. Don't smoke! Not only bad for your heart and lungs, it causes wrinkles and is a skin-nutrient sucker.

6. Reduce your stress! Stress is hard to avoid but it just wreaks havoc on our minds and bodies. Find time each day to do what it takes to reduce your stress.

7. Exercise! A great stress reducer- plus, sweating is another excellent way to get those toxins out of your body.

8. Avoid HOT showers! We all love hot showers but it actually removes oils from the skin.

9. Use a good moisturizer! here's my personal tip... I use organic coconut oil for my moisturizer {and yes, the kind you cook with} It's natural, filled with antioxidants and does a great job of softening and healing the skin! And, although I haven't tried it, it's supposedly good for your hair too.

10. KISS Philosophy {keep it simple sweeties}- staying as close to natural ingredients and remedies as possible. As always, seek a professional for guidance and problem areas and issues.

 What is your favorite tip? Do share!

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