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Another MagnetStreet employee says YES! Woot! Woot! A great big blog hug and congratulations goes out to Nalie and Nate! Nalie is our Web Usability Specialist here at...

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If you read this blog regularly, then you know how much I love the simple accents that deliver a great BIG IMPACT. And reception decor is one of my favorite places to start...

Have you found your wedding dress yet... still looking? How do you know when you've found the right one? My~ what a hugely important decision it is... Lisa & Johnathon Part I...

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Share one sweet thing about life today... cool image: Sweet Sweet Life blog

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Love is in the air folks... and wedding bells will soon be ringing for two of the sweetest and talented people here at MagnetStreet. Johnathon {software developer} proposed to...

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You've heard about them and read about them. Maybe even seen them in a distant and undefined wistful look in a friend. And perhaps you're wondering... will it happen to me...

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Here in Minnesota, we are reveling in some fabulous weather! I don't know about you, but especially during the first few weeks of warm, summer weather I want to spend as much...

Need inspiration for your wedding look? Just look around. From a trip to the art museum to the pattern on your grandmother's china to the colors on a pretty bird... it's...

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Bartering~ the age old process of trading goods or services. Meet Nicole and Nick. Nicole is one of the sweetest and savviest brides who was so generous to share with me how...

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The color blue is like Old Faithful... in its array of shades is always there to calm, cool and surprise us. Blue is a color to dream by... and when we put it beside one of...