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Everywhere I go lately, it's birds, birds, birds, so I've got them on my mind. Doves~ the symbol of peace and love are perfect for weddings! I've not been to an event where...

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It's wedding day. Should the first time the groom sets his eyes on the bride~ be as she’s walking toward him down the aisle? Is there anyone who upholds this tradition of...

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Miracles happen every day. Just consider the two people who find each other out of almost 7 billion…and often times over the most incredible circumstances. It never ceases to...

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How will you be honoring your Mom this Sunday? Taking her out for brunch or lavishing her with flowers and/or gifts? I know that Moms love a day of rest, gifts, eating out...

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Age-old question~ should you elope or not? Raised among many and with considerable passion~ is the argument that eloping is selfish. Plenty of others would counter-argue...

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Whether you have a flair for the dramatic or the sweetly subtle, centerpieces are a great way to show it off. I love the way a great centerpiece commands the attention of your...

There were key family members at my wedding who never speak to each other and still other family, for whatever reason, weren't speaking to each other either... Maybe I really...

Creative types nation-wide will be traveling to Boston, MA to attend the 2008 HOW magazine design conference to receive their creative shot in the arm. From non-profit...

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I’m married to a sweetheart; he’s funny, kind, considerate... Great qualities and yet, we are so completely different. As an experiment and just to amuse myself, I watched him...

Unique wedding proposals come in all shapes, sizes and software packages. Here's one for your spreadsheets. In this CNN story , a computer programmer reprograms his girlfriend...