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Confidence is preparation. Everything else is beyond your control. {Richard Kline- American Actor} Without driving yourself crazy over every "what if" imaginable- it's a very...

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Have you considered a museum as a wedding venue? Think what an extraordinary venue a museum would be ... Within their walls is preserved our history, culture, technology, our...

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Ah~ The father/daughter dance ... The dance that grabs at everybody's heart strings and leaves them reaching for the tissues. How are you deciding on THE SONG? Will it be...

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Did you know that there is a different rate for mailing 3.5x5 postcards? Did you know that it's cheaper than the rate for mailing 1 oz. envelopes? Now ... did you know that...

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Props for moms everywhere! What would we do without them ... Most moms I know are amazing, self-sacrificing and would do anything for their daughters. They're typically faster...

New here? Welcome! {yep that's me, extending my hand} Congrats if you're newly engaged! Are you wondering where you should start in this wide world of weddings ... Besides...

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You've been asked to be BEST MAN ... CONGRATULATIONS! {Now what?} Are you wondering what the Best Man duties consist of? Easy. Just have the groom's back at all times ~ from...

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Sustainable. Recyclable. Organic. Simplicity. Green. Ethical. In honor of Earth Day this Friday, here are some doable ideas to having a more earth friendly wedding! Remember...

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I'm happy to share the scrumptious NEW addition to MagnetStreet Weddings' stationery product line ... Wedding Menu Cards! Not only are these Menu cards perfectly practical for...

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Featuring our newest Must See Photographer ... Sara Goetz of Sara Goetz Photography Of the 30 random things you can read about Sara on her site ... here are 3 of my favorites...