Color Monday: Damask Wedding Invitations

For today's Color Monday, we're going to look at the marvelous flexibility of Damask patterns.

Damask has the ability to transform the overall feel with the colors you use. It can be bold or soft, vintage or traditional--all the while being modern and trendy.


We're using three of our Damask Wedding Invitations to discover and illustrate how transforming these color changes can be. On the left is Floral Ornament Wedding Invitation a traditional and bold damask design.

The modern and trendy Damask Dream Wedding Invitations is on the right.  Front and center is the soft, vintage feel of Romance in Paris Wedding Invitation. These three diverse designs will all be transformed by color into completely new looks.

So let's start off with a bold color palette.



Pop! When damask is used with hot, vibrant colors it becomes very unique and trendy. Bold colors jump right off the invitation. These wedding looks will not be forgotten!

But can something as strong as damask be soft and subtle too?



Of course. It's so hard to resist these luscious color combinations! The sweet and airy designs are just what you want for a romantic and charming wedding invitation.

Can we make it look vintage just by changing the colors?



Yes--the tones now are muted to reveal these beautiful color combinations.


Now, let's revert back to traditional Damask ...


Clean and absolutely lovely. These colors suggest a more formal affair ...

Remember ... that all of these combinations have resulted from using the same three wedding invitations! Amazing! And of course you can do this too! Inside Design Studio, our personalization tool, you can play around with color all you want! Totally transform the look of the invitations just using color combinations to get the look and feel you want.

What style of damask to you like the best? Which is the most trendy?

Thanks for stopping by!
