Digital Camera Tips and Sending Digital Files over the Internet

It is so easy to send, share and print photos nowadays.  Anybody can do it but is everybody doing it well or without hassle?  If you're uploading digital photographs over the internet, you want to be aware of a few, time-saving tips for a hassle-free, successful endeavor.

First off, before you send/upload your photo to a website, read the company's FAQ section on sending/uploading photographs.  No one likes to read directions but in the end, it will save you the precious commodities of time and energy.

Generic Digital Camera Tips and Sending Digital Files over the Internet:

  1. Make sure your digital camera is set to the highest resolution setting possible (probably found in "Menu" of your camera and then under picture quality).  Your camera should be at least 3 megapixels.
  2. Photos should be high resolution~ at least 300 dpi dots per inch at the size needed to be printed. For instance, a 600 x 800 pixel image at 300 dpi will end up printing a 2.5" photo.  Do not manually re-size your photo (this will only make your photo blurry).
  3. Photo should be large: MB not KB
  4. Send your photo file as a .tiff or a .jpg
  5. Photos taken from the web are typically not acceptable as the resolution is too low for printing.

Note: Because the files are large, be patient when sending them online.  If possible, use a high speed internet connection.

Scanning Tips:

  1. Make sure your scanner is clean and dust free.
  2. Set scanner to the highest resolution setting possible, 300 dpi or larger.
  3. Do not re-size the image to make it larger.
  4. Glossy or smooth images scan the best.

Mailing in photos:

  1. Send a nice, clean photo without rips, tears, smudges
  2. If you want your photo back, put your name and self-addressed stamp on the back of the photo.  Use a felt-tip marker as pens will leave marks/indentations on the front.

Source: MagnetStreet