Food For Thought

Food . . . we socialize around it, sometimes indulge in it, and of course receive our daily sustenance from it. As you plan and finalize what you'll serve at your reception meal, here's something to ponder.

Folks these days are developing food allergies and wheat and gluten sensitivities more than ever before. Recently I've discovered that I fall into this unfortunate category, and let me tell you, ridding my pantry of all things gluten has not been easy. However, the number of readily available, viable alternatives seems to be growing, so I'm not feeling as much like a screwball when it comes to my food needs. Since my husband refuses to give up such utterly frivolous indulgences like milk and bread, one day I found myself in the aisles of my old regular grocery store and ended up wandering over to the natural food section.

I’ll be honest. I didn’t really want to step foot in those granola aisles, and was grumbling under my breath about how unfair life is that I can’t ever have spaghetti again without getting sick.  Major pity party.  So imagine my incredible delight when I discovered a pasta made out of a grain called quinoa that is both wheat and gluten-free!  Products like this would be much more common fare in a whole foods market or co-op, but I found this and many other non-screwballish alternatives at my local grocer.

When planning your wedding reception, take a minute and consider the potential special needs of your guests.  How can you come up with a menu that everyone will be able to enjoy, and that won’t have you worrying about dear Uncle Frank’s lactose intolerance or little cousin Annie’s allergy to wheat?  Don’t worry, it can be done ~ it just takes a little planning, a few adjustments, and working closely with your caterer.  You may not need to change your menu all that much, and you definitely won’t have to sacrifice flavor or a beautiful, scrumptious cake.  Even just one or two options that take into account dietary restrictions will work very nicely.  By extending this very kind and considerate gesture, you’ll be one step closer to making your wedding truly memorable for all.

Individuals with these kinds of health concerns think a lot about it and try to plan ahead as much as possible, so your guests will appreciate knowing ahead of time the plans you’ve made.  Consider a simple sentence on your enclosure card like “Wheat, gluten and dairy-free options will be available.”  When serving buffet-style, place cards that identify these items will make everyone feel more at ease.

Now that my cupboards are stocked with good-for-you, life giving options, there’s still the little matter of actually wanting all that great, wholesome food instead of what I used to eat. But, slowly it’s coming together.  And, when it comes to your friends and family who are in the same row boat as me, a little extra planning means you’ll be supporting their new healthy habits. Essentially you’re giving them the gift of life and love.  How very appropriate.

Here’s a couple of informative links to help you think through this issue:

Entertaining Allergy Free

Vegetarian, Vegan and Allergy-Free Entertaining

Living Without

Thanks for reading,

Cheryl for Truly Engaging
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