Getting The Groom Involved In Wedding Planning

Getting The Groom Involved: Part 2

While it's true that some grooms love that their brides do all the planning, some love to pitch in where they can and help--according to their talents, abilities, and desires! Welcome to the second in our series of "Getting the Groom Involved with Wedding Planning." Rachel, one of our brides, graciously shares how she and Joe divvied up their duties of wedding planning. In our interview, Rachel tells us which aspects of planning that Joe cared most about and offers practical advice for others during this busy time. We hope this inspires you to tackle your own to-do's of wedding planning with joy and understanding of each other's strengths and desires!

How are you sharing wedding planning tasks?

Beautiful elegant rustic wedding photo

Top planning areas that Rachel needed help from Joe with?

  1. Planning the wedding ceremony (program text/hymns).
  2. Planning where we were going for our honeymoon. (Joe did all of the work for this!)

What Joe cared about:

Saying "I Do"

What Joe was willing to do:

He just said to "tell me whatever I need to do."

What Joe didn't care about:

Having to have an opinion on things he really didn’t have an opinion on!

What Joe was in charge of:

We were also looking for an apartment at the same time and he really took responsibility for that while I was working on wedding stuff. He chose all the beverages for the reception and helped coordinate a lot of the music stuff.

Joe also chose and surprised me with our First Dance song (Beauty and the Beast) :)

Which tasks Joe and Rachel did together:

Some of the woodworking DIY stuff. We turned tedious tasks like sanding down blocks into date nights by the fire.

On writing Thank You Cards: 

He was definitely more than willing to help write thank yous and that made a huge difference.

Would you (or he) do anything different?


Rachel's advice for other planning couples:

Most grooms genuinely just want you {the bride} to be happy and will help out whenever you ask them, but try not to ask them to help with things that they really have no strong opinion on. We picked out the things that were more in Joe’s wheelhouse and those were the things that he made the decisions on.

Great advice! Thanks Rachel {and Joe} for sharing your thoughts. See Joe and Rachel's rustic elegant wedding photos here.

PhotographerEmily Schmidt Photography