How to Get Into the Spirit of Christmas

Christmas coming way to soon for you?  Having a bit of difficulty getting into the spirit of the season?  We still have our parties to go to, gifts to buy, cookies to make and even though it's definitely busy busy, we can still focus on love, peace and goodwill in the midst of the busyness.  How?  Here are a few ideas to help usher in the true meaning of Christmas.

Nothing profound here, but truly~ there is nothing better for the soul than helping someone else in need and it can be as simple as baking cookies, shoveling your neighbor's driveway, making a phone call to someone you know is hurting, writing a get well note, or visiting someone in the hospital or nursing home.  You can also:

1. Volunteer.  Call your local church or google the Department of Human Services for your state to locate a needy social service project. No extraordinary talent necessary, just a willing heart.

2. Every time you pass the Salvation Army red kettle, put something in it and thank the person who's ringing the bell.

3. Donate gifts to needy families through the Toys for Tots in your area or the Angel Tree program for children of prisoners.

4. Consider writing a letter for the Mother Letter Project where Danny is creating a Christmas book for his wife~ a compilation of letters from mothers, to mothers.  What a gift that will be!  Be sure to read the story behind this wonderful, amazing idea.

5. Play Louie Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World" while you're sipping on hot cocoa with all the lights out except for the twinkling Christmas ones...

What inspires you to get into the Christmas spirit?



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