In Love and War

It's hard for most of us to imagine what military couples go through to get married and stay married~ being apart, raising children, moving, finances...  Based on a few family and friends and watching Army Wives, I really have no idea what this lifestyle is like on a daily basis.  What an honor... what a blessing... and what sacrifices these couples must make for themselves and their countries.  The following images are of Joe and Tiffany~ at Joe's deployment.  Taken by the oh so talented Cathy & David Photography, these images capture emotion and stoicism so beautifully.  Ye be warned~ tears may very well find their way out of your eyes and onto your keyboard... they did mine.

More of these incredibly touching photos can be seen at Cathy and David's blog.  Go... they're wonderful!


Military Designs offered by MagnetStreet Weddings for Save the Dates, Invitations, Thank You Cards, Address Labels and Seals.