Junior Attendants

I fell in love with this photo~ quintessential tweens!

Part mature. Part awkward. Part shy.
Do you have the most wonderful younger sister/brother, niece/nephew or other young person in your life?  Do you want to include them in your wedding, but not sure how?  Ask them to be your Junior Attendants... You'll soon discover there are plenty of responsibilities and roles they can play in your wedding.  Junior attendants are typically between the ages of 10-14 but keep in mind that maturity trumps age, so it really depends on the individual.
Most kids these ages would love to be part of your big day and take on the responsibilities these roles would give them.  I see it as a rite of passage of sorts~ into a grown-up world where their presence count~ is paid attention to and is valued…
Some Attendant Role ideas:
Gift Attendant
These responsible attendants will have the gift table as their domain and at the appointed time, will help to put the gifts into a locked room, etc. Attire depends on formality and opinion of bride and groom.
Guestbook Attendant
Happy and outgoing, this attendant will help ensure that your guests will have signed the guestbook. Attire depends on formality and opinion of bride and groom.
Respectful and polite, this attendant will know how and where to seat your esteemed guests and will need to be at the wedding rehearsal.  Attire depends on formality, opinion of bride and groom and whether or not they are part of the wedding party.
Program Attendant
Passes out your wedding programs with a smile.  Attire depends on formality and opinion of bride and groom.
Personal Attendant
The big helper!  Help the bride or the groom as needed. Attire depends on formality and opinion of bride and groom.
Junior Bridesmaids & Junior Groomsmen
They are part of the wedding party and will walk down the aisle (may or may not be escorted). The Bride and Groom will determine their attire~ based on the formality and attire of the rest of the wedding party.  P.S. A Junior Bridesmaid’s dress and shoes, etc. should be more reserved and age-appropriate. And, other than not inviting them to wild and crazy parties, they should be invited to plan and attend all the parties related to the wedding i.e. showers, etc.
Parents Responsibilities
  • Wedding attire
  • Transportation: ceremony, fittings, rehearsal

Saying thank you to your Junior Attendant

Your gratitude will mean the world to them! Make a point of getting to know who they are and what they like. Gush on them, let them know how much you appreciate them!
Gift Them:
These ages love games, jewelry, music, clothes, posters, movies, fun things for their room, friends…Stuff some really fun, cool-looking bags with iTunes gift cards, CDs, DVDs, trendy store gift cards, picture frames, room accessories…
What other roles might Junior Attendants play?
What other gift ideas can you suggest?