Making Changes

Every bride and groom want to be at their absolute best, and look like it on the big day.  For some of us that means making some changes.  You may want to take back control of your life in some way, take off a few pounds, firm up those thighs, or any number of other things.   If you are trying to make any kind of significant change in the way you live, eat, work, or play before your wedding day, this post is for you.

A disclaimer seems in order at this point . . . and as you'll quickly see, it's really the overriding theme of what I have to say today....BE REASONABLE with how you go about change.  Take into consideration how much time you have, what you would ideally like to accomplish and make some decisions about where to start.  By all means, don't do anything dangerous to your body or commit yourself to fad diets that promise to take off 10 pounds in a week.  Even if it were possible to drop that much weight that quickly, you may end up with worse problems than a bad visit to the, be sensible, give yourself plenty of time, and think long term.

Here's a peak into my own journey with change.  My hubby and I have declared 2009 as the beginning of our life-long trek into healthy living.  And, for us, healthy living means moving our bodies in some way every day, eating a balanced diet, getting our rest, and pursuing our passions.  Living out our passions is, really, what makes everything else worthwhile.

Now we weren't complete losers on the healthy living front, but it was clear when we looked at our calendars that clearing those calendars in order to make our new priorities, well, a priority was going to be a challenge.  So, we started out slow.  January we got to the gym twice a week, February with some of our commitments dropping off, we added in another day.  By summer we fully expect that every day we'll either be at the gym or outdoors pumpin' the iron and getting our hearts and bodies in shape.

We've taken a similar approach to what we eat, how we play and the time we devote to pursuing our passions . . . just starting where we're at and changing one or two things at a time.  I can personally see the momentum building in both of us, and we're beginning to see some results in how we feel.  It's kind of exciting!  No false starts thinking we'd have celebrity abdomens in 30 days, no magical thinking, but just plain resolve to move in a new direction one step at a time.

As you are on your way to becoming Mr. and Mrs., a season filled with thoughts of romance, love, exciting preparations and lifestyle changes, it's wise to go at change gently.  It'll set the stage for a great life together and, little by little you'll notice things are changing.  Then when the big day arrives, you'll be glowing with confidence, radiantly healthier and ready to enjoy the day so much more.

What are you working toward where this gentle approach might be helpful?

Yours in the effort,


Photo courtesy Creative Commons