Non-Traditional Weddings and Compromises


Maybe... you want to elope, wear a red wedding dress, let out your rockabilly side, walk down the aisle in your converse sneakers or carry feathers instead of flowers.

Perhaps your "non-traditional" is as simple as preferring a tea-length dress or serving cookies instead of cake.

Weddings are all about personalization, right?  And, it's your day!

But, weddings are also about joining families too.  And where there are families, there are sure to be compromises!

So, how do you express your "non-traditional" self and not alienate family {and even friends} in the process?

Maybe "alienate" is too strong of a word.  Although for some, it's not.

It's true... it's your wedding. But, do you forsake all other opinions because of it?

You love them.  They love you. Where are you drawing the line at what you want and what others want?

This is an issue that never goes out of style, does it?  So, help out another bride and groom... please leave a comment on how you're dealing with whatever is considered "non-traditional" in your wedding planning and how you're compromising or not compromising over it.