The Office Wedding…

Tonight's the night! We'll watch Pam and Jim finally take their relationship all the way to the altar.  I'm sure it will {per usual} be an awkward adventure, full of hilarity and enough subplots to keep us pleasantly distracted from Pam and Jim's pam and jim big day!

Office Romance...

Hilarious on TV, perhaps not so hilarious in real life.  Most experts agree that people should mostly avoid office romances... ya know, all that talk about making co-workers uncomfortable, bringing your "feelings" to work, not to mention sacrificing your reputation and putting your career in jeopardy.

Makes sense to me. But, how do you stop the love train once it gets moving?  I don't have personal experience but I did just attend the wedding of two co-workers who found love at the office.  The key: they kept it professional!

What do you think about office romances? Yay or Nay? And, if you're in one, how are you keeping it professional?

p.s. who's going to watch Pam and Jim tie the knot tonight? I am!

Pam and Jim image: Chicago Tribune Entertainment