Readings at the Ceremony

This past weekend my husband and I had the honor of participating in the wedding ceremony of two of our good friends, Don and Kim.  We were assigned to read aloud three sets of Scripture, hubby and I alternating, and were, of course, thrilled and honored to be a part of their very special day in this way.

I really didn’t think I’d get choked up, but I did, just a little.  And I was really glad I had rehearsed my lines well, because it allowed me to glance up at the happy couple a couple of times, catching their eye.  I felt all that love, emotion and commitment on display!  It was just so special!

Will you have a reading in your ceremony?  Maybe a favorite love poem, lines of prose written by you and your groom for the occasion, or scripture?  Clearly if you go with this beautiful custom, what you choose will reflect who you are and what’s important to you.

Some brides slip this into their ceremony via a favorite song, and music is such a great part of a wedding, isnt’t it?  If you have a talented music-writing friend, ask to have a sweet melody written to your favorite words.  Maybe you and/or your groom sing?  Many brides and grooms sing to one another also ~ very brave thing to do I say but oh so wonderful to witness.

So many options for saying what you want to say . . . and all adding up to make your special day unique and meaningful at every turn.  Printing the readings in your program is a great idea also.

Who do you think should do the reading at your ceremony?  Should you ask a friend who can read well or hire a professional reader?

Photo courtesy carla216

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