RIP Modern Bride, Elegant Bride


The recent news of Modern Bride and Elegant Bride closing shop has many of us thinking about the future of print media in general.  Will it survive?  And, how~ in this day and age of the internet and real time communication that we love so much... We have the whole world available to us online... simply at the click of our fingers.  Isn't it amazing?

Even as amazing as our digital world is, I hope the print industry does survive... not only survive but hopefully, evolve.  Evolve into something that is amazing as well.  Where each beloved issue is full of content and resources.  Content that is worth savoring over for weeks, months and years even.  I can't yet tent fold my laptop or drape it over the side of the bathtub while I close my eyes for a moment to let the images I've just devoured, soak in.

There is just something experiential about receiving and then delaying the gratification of reading a new magazine.  I just did it the other day... I planned when I could sit down and read my new magazine in peace.  The sound of flipping and dog-earing pages...  Reading online content feeds my developing ADD {no, I'm not complaining} whereas reading print gives me the permission to slow down, enjoy my spot of tea or hot soak and experience the content in a different way.

That's just my two cents. Got any change to throw into the discussion?

By the way, there is a fantastic discussion about blogs vs. magazine over at Style Me Pretty's new blog Backstage...

What do you read more of... blogs or magazines?  Or, do you love them BOTH because of the differing qualities they bring to the table?

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