Risk-Taking Before the Big Day…

I wonder if there is some primal, innate need to do something crazy right before getting married? Are the moments preceding marriage supposed to be the final frontier of adventure and risk?

Is this behavior limited only to grooms or are there brides out there wanting to take extraordinary risks before the wedding day too? Brian, our graphic artist went rock climbing the weekend before his wedding and ended up getting dropped while on belay falling 20 feet onto sharp rocks landing on the instep of his foot. As if that wasn’t injurious enough, he also ended up requiring a few stitches to his head as well.  We watched Brian limp around the office on crutches, in hopes his wounds would heal before the wedding. Thankfully, Brian was able to walk down the aisle with his beautiful bride~ and the stitches didn’t even show. The early morning before my cousin got married, her soon to be husband decided to clear his head and take a dip in Lake Michigan in Chicago. Unfortunately, he chose an area that was not designated for swimming and I’m sure he was actively regretting his decision when he could not get out of the water while the waves crashed his body against the concrete barrier and rebar. Energy waning, his cries for help went unnoticed for a time, until finally heard by an early morning passerby~ who then alerted two British joggers to help pull him from the cold water. Battered and bruised, he survived his early morning dip and made it to his wedding, much to the relief of my cousin. I’m told, the real pain in the ankles came when having to “walk” around San Francisco on their honeymoon.

Do you agree with these risk takers?  Are you planning any precarious behavior right before your wedding day?