Roles of the Flower Girl and Ring Bearer

Flower Girl and Ring Bearer

These ever-adorable children in the wedding party are usually between the ages of 4-8.  Traditionally, they precede the bride down the aisle with the Ring Bearer carrying the wedding rings (or faux rings) tied to a satin pillow while the flower girl carries flowers, dropping the petals along the aisle.  The Ring Bearer will escort the Flower Girl or if they walk separately, the Ring Bearer will go first.

Non-Traditional Thoughts & Tips to Consider:

  • Ring Bearers do not have to be boys, they can be little girls too.
  • DIY the pillow to save money.
  • If the wedding is thematic, have the RB carry something related to the theme or a stuffed animal...
  • Flower Girls may carry: flower baskets, bags, bouquets, pommanders ( flower balls), candles...  Be mindful of the weight on their little arms.
  • Something different: have your FG carry long-stemmed flowers~ either holding them or giving them away to special guests as she walks up the aisle.
  • Regarding Young Children: Hint: Younger children will require more supervision and direction.  And, their behavior is less predictable the younger they are.  Make sure you are comfortable with potential mishaps...Keep parents close by in the aisle.
  • Have snacks, toys, babysitting... available if there is lag time between ceremony, pictures, reception, etc.

Parents Responsibilities:

  • Expenses re: all related wedding attire
  • Transportation to the wedding rehearsal & dinner, ceremony, etc.

Children love to be included in weddings but  keep the level of formality in mind when choosing to have them in the wedding party as well as their ages.  Next post we'll check out the roles that Junior Attendants play in the wedding party~ see you soon!

What about non (or less-than) traditional weddings....In what "out of the box" ways have you seen Flower Girls and Ring Bearers engage in at weddings?