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Right in between talking over your wedding budget and creating your wedding Pinterest boards, lies the enjoyable process of discovering your wedding style! It's super fun and...

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Is your mom just plain awesome? Tell us about it ... Brag about her smile or her selflessness. Give props to her unconditional love, wisdom or wild side. Download and share...

Happy Freebie Friday ! Feel free to pin or download Love's First Kiss to your desktop or phone. Kiss me. You're the only one I want to go weak in the knees with.   Find this...

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Happy Freebie Friday ! Today's free wedding wallpaper is called Someone's First Love ! How sweet would it be to find this adorable image on your desktop {and your phone!}...

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Happy Freebie Friday ! Today's free wedding wallpaper is called Wedding Love featuring cute, whimsical text and to remind you of all the fun you're going to have at your...

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Happy Freebie Friday ! Today's free wedding wallpaper is called Simple Tree. So light and airy ... and with a simple, romantic quote that goes straight to the heart! What do...

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Happy Freebie Friday ! Any Shakespeare fans out there? Well, you're in for a treat because today's free wedding wallpaper is entitled "Midsummer Dream" and has a Shakespearean...

It's Freebie Friday and today's free wedding wallpaper download is called Lavender Fields. Ahhh, lavender--you can almost smell its sweet scent right through the screen, can't...

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Happy Freebie Friday at that! With a Dr. Seuss feel and "Lorax" appeal, today's free wedding wallpaper is called Spring Forest. These sweet truffula-esque tufts of color and...

Happy Freebie Friday ! Freebie Friday is when we debut one of our newly-created desktop wallpapers-- that you can download for free! I update my desktop with the latest and...