Pink and Gold... how sweet the look! Timeless. Classic. Romantic. Refined. I want to see more of this fantastic wedding color combination! What do you think? Photo Booth Save...
Isn't it amazing what color changes will do to the look of a design? This Save the Date magnet was originally designed in blue with a soft and tranquil feel.. but changing it...
While still in a New York state of mind {we attended the National Stationery Show this week} plus the fact that Sex and the City movie 2 opens on May 27... it seems only...
Look Everyone... Brand New Save the Date Cards from MagnetStreet Weddings! Printed on lovely textured linen paper, the cards are 5x7~ which translates into having LOTS of room...
Color is instinctive! And, it is definitely emotional... Most of us have our favorite colors and we know what we like; however, developing an effective color palette takes a...
A beach wedding theme in a seashell... Get your destination imagination on with thoughts of turquoise as far as your eye can see... while you say your vows to the rhythmic...
The only part of The Masters I saw was the best part... the huge embrace Phil Mickelson gave his wife Amy at the 18th green! Battling breast cancer, Amy couldn't join him...
Sky Blue. Kiwi. Ivory. Enter the zen zone with this soothing palette. Ivory is playing nicely and working in tandem with the cool and calm of the sky blue while kiwi green is...
A gorgeous couple! Meet Julie and Scott~ our From Start to Finish Giveaway winners! Woo Hoo... Julie is such a sweetheart {I love hearing from her} and super excited about...
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Irish Wedding toast May you be poor in misfortune, rich in blessings, slow to make enemies and quick to make friends. And may you know nothing but...