The BEST Cheesecake Recipe!

It occurred to me this morning that you might be attending or hosting an Easter gathering this weekend and are in need of a dessert... not just any dessert... but a dessert to beat all desserts of the cheesecake persuasion.

I've got just the recipe that will rock the socks right off their feet!

I've made this cheesecake countless times over the years, including this weekend for friends.   It is tried, true and everybody LOVES it!  I wanted to take a pic of the last leftover piece, but quickly discovered that my husband had eaten it last night~ so all I've got for you is this shot of the cookbook that it came from.  As you can see, it has gotten a lot of love from me over the last million or so years {and everybody said, Amen}!

Montana Mom's Cheesecake is a recipe from the Moosewood cookbook, from the natural foods Moosewood Cafe in Ithaca, NY.


oven 375°

Crust: crumbs from 16 graham crackers {or if you're behind the 8 ball and in a hurry like I usually am ... replace with a 10" already-made graham cracker crust}
1/2 stick butter
1Tbs. honey
1Tbs. flour
~ Mush up w/ fingers and press firmly into bottom of spring form pan.

16 oz cream cheese
1/3 cup sugar
4 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
1 lemon: juice and grated rind {NOTE: I leave the lemon out because I find it waay tooo overpowering. If you really love the idea of using lemon, take it easy!}

Blend til smooth and creamy. Pour on top of crust & bake for 25 mins. or until set at 375°


1 pint sour cream {i use lean... don't judge me}
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
~BLEND. Pour on top of cooled filling and bake at 375° for 5-8 minutes.

IMPORTANT: Cheesecake must set in fridge for at least 12 hours before it will be firm enough to slice well. If you get impatient and cut before it is completely set, the top will be runny.

it's easy, it's pretty quick and it's DELICIOUS!


Something magical happens and I think it has to do with the topping.  If you make this cheesecake, be sure to come back and let me know what you think!