The Ultimate Goal of a Wedding

I admit that there is a Princess Bride in me that wants to go back in time, drag my mother and best friend around to bridal shows, wear a tiara and a pink "I'm the Bride" sticker. Then, at the end of the day, sift through the bags of wedding samples, flyers and coupons that will make my wedding perfect.
You see, my wedding was indeed lovely but very simple. In lieu of bridal shows and tiaras, we opted for a short engagement that didn’t encompass too many extras. We were married within 2 months of the proposal (we just wanted to be married) and had an outdoor ceremony using the decorations of nature. In a way, I would love to have the memories of bridal shows and all the fun events of wedding planning and “stuff” that typically accompany a longer engagement. But, in the end, I am persuaded that it is not be about the “stuff” no matter how long the engagement or what you can and cannot afford. I know, I know, so many awesome things to be said for stunning ceremonial backdrops, extraordinary table settings, chocolate fountains…and those things are all very good…
I have been to all kinds of weddings: church, justice of the peace, outdoor, garden, beach, the rooftop of a Greek restaurant in Chicago (lots of fun, btw). Each of the weddings were stamped with the bride and groom's own style and as the proverbial saying goes, “like snowflakes, no two were alike.”  I do know that a wedding is a celebration and guests gather to love and honor the bride and groom at this amazing time in their life!
But, isn’t getting married and staying married really the ultimate Princess Bride goal? You could purchase all the latest and greatest or you could DIY and your wedding will hopefully still be perfect because it will reflect the love you share! If you want all the trappings~ great! There are so many fun and extraordinary ways to embellish your wedding day. I take no issue with “stuff” and what it can do for your wedding day but more importantly, what about the day after and after and ever after...?  Let's hear from you~ I want to know what you think!!!
All my best,