Trash the Dress: Kristin & Andy

Remember Kristin & Andy's gorgeous Minnesota wedding from this summer?

Well, we're thrilled to feature Andy & Kristin once again on Truly Engaging! But this time, they're sharing their "trash the dress" photos with us! Let's just say, Kristin and Andy have let their hair down and aren't worried about perfect timing, ruining their wedding clothes, or breaking a heel this time! No ... this session is casual and celebrates an old-fashioned kind of fun--one that brings out the kid in each of them! And yet--they still manage to look absolutely fantastic! Here's our naturally-beautiful bride Kristin, to tell us about their afternoon & why they wanted to do a "trash the dress" session ...

Location We ended up at West Medicine Lake Park {Minneapolis, MN}- which is just a few miles from our house. Since I didn't have any grand ideas about our session, Erica thought the park would offer a variety of scenery and things to do.
Photographer Erica Hanna Mayer of Puke Rainbows Photography

When you're planning a wedding, it's hard not to get distracted by all the beautiful "trash the dress" photo sessions that exist on blogs. For me, I really wanted to have a photo session with my husband after the big day, when we were no longer anxious, nervous, stressed, etc. and could instead just truly enjoy it. I also really wanted some photos with our dog, since he was NOT allowed anywhere near me on our wedding day (didn't want to take any chances that he would deem it necessary to "mark" my dress!) And of course, I wanted the excuse to put my wedding dress back on again!

You look like you were having so much fun—how is this photography session different from any other? We did have a lot of fun - despite the unseasonably cold temperatures We were just completely relaxed this time around. Unlike at the wedding, I wasn't running through our memorized vows in my head or worrying about tripping when I walked down the aisle. Erica did a great job of providing some direction, but also making us feel completely at ease - sometimes I even forgot that she was there!

I love this last photo--just cracks me up! So funny. Thanks Kristin & Andy for sharing yet another special day with us. What a blast and perhaps you and other "trash the dress" enthusiasts will inspire TLC to come up with a new show called "Say yes to the dress--without all the stress!"  Congrats once again! We love your pics!

So, what do you think? Are you brave enough to "trash your dress?