Walk Through That Door

Kangaroo Island

Ah, fresh beginnings . . . who doesn't love them?  Somehow, someway, at the beginning of a new year with a clean slate in front of us, we are appropriately compelled to make new starts, new beginnings.  No matter how many failed attempts we have in the past, hope rises to the surface . . . sometimes even in the most adamantly self-declaring pessimist.

At first glance, this photo looks a little, well, ridiculous.  A door in the middle of nowhere?  But, to me it represents hope . . . that even when I see no possible way to get from one place to the next, doors can and do pop up in the least likely places.  It's up to me to notice them and walk through them to discover life on the other side.

What are you resolving to do differently, starting tomorrow?  My New Year's Resolutions have ranged from the typical ~ lose some weight, reduce debt ~ to the simpler ~ be a kinder, gentler me.  Whatever we choose to plan to change in the new year, it is always our sincerest desire that we get it done and not add any more fuel to the failure fire.

Use this image of a door in the middle of nowhere to get you dreaming big about what you can accomplish, and when the going gets tough, remind yourself of it to keep you striving toward your goal.  And, when we come to December 31, 2009, we'll look back and see how we've changed . . .perhaps not having fully reaching our goals, but nevertheless changed for the better.

Happy New Year! --Cheryl

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