Watching Him as He Watches Her

Albeit a little late, I finally saw 27 dresses.  The movie where Katherine Heigl is always a bridesmaid and never the bride...  Cute show.  For days, I was singing Benny and the Jets.

Anyways, if you've seen the movie, you'll know what I'm referring to... the two main characters, Jane and Kevin realize that their favorite part of a wedding is the same...when the bride is walking down the aisle to her groom.  When everyone else's eyes are on the bride, Jane and Kevin turn to look at the eyes of the groom as he watches his bride come forward.  At his love, his hope, his anticipation... So sweet!

It's summer.  Undoubtedly, if you haven't been to a wedding yet this season, you will be soon (if not 2 or 3).  What's your favorite part of the wedding ceremony?

Where do you look as the bride walks down the aisle?

Photo Courtesy: Nathan Johnson Photography