The Wedding Photography Trend That Kinda Blows Your Mind

Wedding Cinemagraphs | Animated Wedding Gifs

We're talking animated wedding gifs--or more poetically termed: wedding cinemagraphs. Have you seen? Have you heard? Friends, these aren't your average internet gifs. No, wedding cinemagraphs are, well, art. And, they're trending--in a big way! So beautiful and unique, couples are sharing theirs across their social channels and storing them on their mobile devices.

So, Just What Is A Wedding Cinemagraph?

Simply put, it's a photo that moves. But it's not a video. We asked award-winning wedding photographer, Jeffrey Lewis Bennett, whose gifs have gotten international attention, to give us his take on this gorgeous art form.

An excellent cinemagraph contains the presence of a story, one where the movement enhances the narrative.

Read the rest of our interview with Jeffrey and see more of his gorgeous cinemagraphs.

Wedding Cinemagraphs: gorgeous wedding trend that combines traditional photo with movement