6 Wedding Invitation Planning Pitfalls to Avoid

Planning your wedding invitation suite should be a breeze, right? Well, it can be as stress free as possible--if you avoid the major planning mistakes that have the potential of putting you behind schedule and off-budget. Simply put, wedding invitation planning takes time and consideration! Below are 6 common pitfalls to avoid while planning your wedding stationery. But alas, even if you've fallen into one pit or another, here are few ladders to help you climb out! Pocket Wedding Invitation Suite from MagnetStreet + 6 planning pitfalls to avoid.


6 Wedding Invitation Planning Pitfalls {& how to avoid them!}

#1. Not taking advantage of giveaways & discounts!

If you're not getting the best wedding deals, it might be because you're not aware of them. If your wedding pros offer discounts through their e-newsletter, be sure to subscribe so you can enter those terrific giveaways and take advantage of timely sales. Sign up, enter and save! Have you subscribed to MagnetStreet's e-newsletter yet or Liked us on Facebook?

#2. Failing to get organized ASAP!

Staying organized is huge! It's so easy to get lost in a sea of to-do's and end up feeling overwhelmed at the end of a day. It has been said that if you're organized, you'll be able to actually enjoy the wedding planning process. Get organized--from wherever you're at in the planning process ... to the moment you say, "I Do." Download our free wedding planning checklist.  

#3. Not ordering samples before you buy!

Getting samples {preferably free!} is a huge part of of feeling confident in your wedding purchases. From color to quality to customer care--you want to feel confident with the company you are purchasing from. So, visit those venues, samples those sweets and investigate those invitations!

#4. Not having your invite suite weighed at the Post Office! 

Did you know that the Post Office charges more for a square shape? Another reason to take your samples {that you've requested} to the post office for an accurate postage rate. Bring all of your pieces in--including your envelope--to get a handle on your postage costs for each invite you send. No surprises please! More budget-saving info: 7 ideas for saving $ on your Save the Dates  

#5. Not paying attention to certain etiquette!

Etiquette does matter! And while the reigns have loosened quite a bit, there are elements you want to get right: adults only invite wording, wedding gift etiquette, military and professional titles to name a few ... Paying attention to the details will help your guests feel cared for and appreciated. Visit our etiquette resources and look over and pull out that which pertains to your unique situation.

#6. Not proofing your invitation & suite items!

You wouldn't believe how easy it is to overlook a misspelled name {even yours!}, an incorrect web address, a date that doesn't match up ... It happens. All the time. Those easy misspells and pesky grammar rules are easily overlooked but by taking your time and paying attention, you'll avoid those awful proofing omissions. Our advice: check. Check. RECHECK! This post contains a helpful Proofreading Checklist for Wedding Invitations. *And after you've checked, checked and rechecked--that's the time to get 1-2 more detail-oriented family and friends to help you proof it again!   Where are you at in your wedding stationery planning?