Stationery & Wedding Trends 2015

Stationery & Wedding Trends 2015

It's all about personalization this year. And the wedding trends for 2015 have to be some of our favorites for personalized details. From saving the date to setting the tone, there are tons of ideas to fall in love with--for any wedding style. Which trends are we crushing on the most? Let's see ... we adore the new floral looks and the laid-back chic bohemian looks have us a bit smitten as well. Will your wedding stationery feature 1 or 2 of these trends? Check it out and decide--what's hot and what's not. Your wedding is about you and your style--but it's always fun to see what's new and trending.

Browse the 10 Wedding Stationery Trends for 2015 and maybe even swipe a few ideas for your wedding.

Wedding Trends 2015