Wedding Cookie Table Tradition

The wedding cookie table is a long-standing tradition that apparently traces back to early immigrants and mostly Italians, Eastern Europeans and Greeks. {My best friend married into an Italian family and oh-my-gosh- do I LOVE to eat with them! Food. Family. Fun.}

Just imagine.  The wedding cookie table... a culmination of time-tested recipes that are lovingly prepared by those that care about the bride and groom.  A beautiful contribution of cascading colors, textures and flavors to gather around, delight guests and start conversations over.

I love this idea! It's so sweet.

So let them eat cake... but at Lisa and Johnathon's wedding this Saturday, we'll be eating cookies! Lisa and Johnathon's guests will have their pick from an assortment of wedding cookies at the cookie table, lovingly prepared by family and friends... their "Beloved Bakers." Cookie recipes will be put into a pretty booklet and made available for all of their wedding guests to take home!

cookie table

lemon tea cookies

{And I am honored to be a Beloved Baker}.

Lemon Tea Cookies

1  2/3 cup flour

1/3 cup powdered sugar

1 cup softened butter or margarine

1 tsp vanilla


1 egg

2/3 cup sugar

1 tsp. cornstarch

1/8 tsp. salt

3 Tbsp. lemon juice

1 Tbsp. butter or marg

coconut or powdered sugar

Lightly spoon flour into measuring cup. In medium bowl, combine first four ingredients. Blend well. Chill dough. Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Shape dough into one inch balls. Place two inches apart on ungreased cookie sheets. With thumb or forefinger, make imprint in center of each cookie. Bake 350 degrees F 8-10 minutes until lightly browned. Cool.

In medium saucepan, combine filling ingredients {except coconut or powdered sugar}. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until smooth and thickened. Cool. Top each cookie with about 1/4 tsp filling. Sprinkle with coconut or powdered sugar. Store in single layer, loosely covered.

Makes 3 dozen cookies.

Article and cookie table image source