What’s a Groom To Do?

What Can a Groom Do?


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Be your wedding tech guru.

We've a guest blogger today all! Welcome Jeff Kear, author of Groomasaurus Blog and one of the co-owners at My Wedding Workbook {a site that provides free wedding planning tools so engaged couples can easily manage all their wedding details}.

Jeff speaks from experience and offers solid advice on how to get your guy involved in the planning! Take it away Jeff...

For the most part, the wedding industry is focused on pleasing brides and helping them realize their vision of a perfect wedding day. As a guy, I don't have a problem with this at all, but it does make us guys feel a bit stand-offish about getting involved in planning when we feel that our role is simply to get out of the way.

Most brides out there actually want their groom to get involved in the planning process, but sometimes it's hard to find planning tasks that really fit our abilities. Choosing the wedding colors? Unless you like the colors blue and black, not a good role for us fellas. Deciding on floral arrangements? Uh, no. Picking out the invitations? Again, probably not.

However, there is at least one area where we can be a huge help, and this is in taking charge of all things tech-related. Most guys I know are complete gearheads/gadget freaks in some respect, and many of us have spent about half our waking lives in front of a screen of some sort on the computer or on our hand-held (as well as playing video games). So it's not a stretch to think that we would be pretty good at handling the technological side of a wedding.

So what would this entail? First off, there's lots of wedding software out there that can allow you to manage budgets, guest lists, RSVPs, tasks and all the little details for your wedding. You can have your groom be in charge of entering all the data into the program and then tracking it all to make sure you stay on budget, have accurate guest and meal counts, etc., etc.

Second, many couples now have a dedicated Web site for their wedding. You can have your groom scout out the possible services and then set up the site for you (many of these services make setting up a site really easy, so he doesn't need to know how to program HTML or anything like that). He can help you write the text for the site, post photos, post links for your venues, and put on your site whatever other content you want up there.

Third, he can handle emailing guests with reminders and updates regarding your wedding. If your RSVP date has passed but you still have 50 guests who haven't replied, you can put him in charge of blasting out a polite email to these people to see if they're coming or not. Or maybe there's some last minute changes to one of your venues. You can put him in charge of alerting everyone electronically.

Those are just a few of the tech-related tasks regarding a wedding, and there are certainly more. But whatever the tech-challenge, your groom is up to the task.

Thanks for all the good info Jeff! I know I was guilty of trying to make my fiance' help me in ways that didn't interest him or empower him. This post is a great reminder to let your guy lead with his strengths!

I believe that success and happiness has a lot to do with being organized and prepared! That said... feel free to check out the "My Wedding Workbook" as a planning tool. And, it's free! Yay!

Grooms? What say you?