A Place to Unwind

For me, the best time of day is the early morning. It's the only time of day when the house is quiet and I feel that all the world is perfect, peaceful, and my stomach is flat.  And in the effort of attending to me time, I've developed a rather rigorous discipline of actually forcing myself up to trade one peace for another.  I stumble over strewn pillows with the living room as my destination and a single focused thought of that first cup of coffee as a motivator.  The "M O" is just about the same every morning... but I do it anyways because  I know it's the only time I'll have to myself the whole day, and that time is precious to me.  Mostly I read, but sometimes I just sit and collect my thoughts.  No matter. The time is always well spent.

Life is busy.  How are you making time for yourself during your busy time of life~ whether it's at the beginning or the end of the day? Do you have a nook...a cranny... a refuge? A place to unwind, be inspired... where it's comfortable and cozy?  Do you make time to visit this place each day?  Tell me about it.


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