A Punch of Blue!

TGIF... Let's celebrate the end of this long week with a gorgeous Black and White palette with {as my friend Jen would say}... a punch of blue!

Black and white~ gorgeous. every time. Love the crisp contrast and the implied formality.  Add light blue to the combo and I think the sky is your limit! I'm trying to put my finger on the feeling I get from this palette... and the word that comes to mind is "transparent." Yep, there is a sweet transparency that light blue inherently brings. Simply put, a feeling of friendliness and fun! Of course that's just me, what do you think?

blue black and white inspiration board

Get up close and personal... click on the two smaller images below to see Flower Flourish the fun, formal and even flirty Pocket Invite design featured in the board.

Want to *punch*with a color other than blue? No problem. Use the Design Studio at MagnetStreet Weddings to play with color combinations~ from the Save the Date to the Favors and Thank Yous. So easy a cave man could do it. Present cave men reading this excluded. {wow. glad it's Friday}

have a great weekend!
