Save the date cards have become increasingly popular in recent years. They serve as a way to give your guests a heads up about your upcoming wedding so they can mark their calendars and make arrangements to attend. However, with this rise in popularity comes the need for proper etiquette when it comes to sending and receiving save the date cards. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to become an expert on save the date etiquette. Once you understand the importance and etiquette surrounding save the dates, you can customize your own design to invite guests to celebrate at your wedding!
When to Send Save the Date Cards
The first thing to consider when it comes to save the date etiquette is when to send them out. Typically, save the date cards should be sent out six to eight months before the wedding. This gives your guests plenty of time to make arrangements to attend, such as booking travel and accommodations. If you’re having a destination wedding or event, you may want to send save the date cards even earlier, up to a year in advance. Sending your save the dates ahead of time maximizes the amount of your friends and family who are able to attend your wedding!
Who to Send Save the Date Cards To
Another important aspect of save the date etiquette is knowing who to send them to. Save the date cards should be sent to anyone you plan to invite to your wedding, even if you’re not sure if they’ll be able to attend. This includes close family members, friends, and anyone else who you would like to be there to celebrate with you. Make your extensive list, including plus ones, to ensure you order the proper number of save the dates!
What to Include on Save the Date Cards
Save the date cards should include the basics, such as the date and location of your wedding or event. You also want to include your names and a brief message. Any additional information that your guests will need to know, such as dress code or hotel accommodations, is optional on a save the date. If you think this information is crucial for your guests far in advance, definitely include it on the card. Keep in mind that save the date cards are not the same as wedding invitations, so you don’t need to include all the details at this stage.

How to Address Save the Date Cards
When it comes to addressing save the date cards, it’s important to be as clear and concise as possible. Use proper titles and spell out full names to avoid any confusion. If you’re inviting a couple, you can address the save the date card to both of them or use “and Guest” if you’re unsure if they’ll be bringing a plus one. Specify whether kids are also invited to the wedding, or if you are just inviting the adults. Make sure to double-check all spelling and addresses before sending.
Save the Date Card Design and Style
While save the date cards should be informative, they can also be a fun way to show off your personality and style as a couple. You can choose from a variety of design and style options, such as photo save the date cards, destination-themed cards, or any theme, such as modern or vintage. Just make sure that your design is in line with the formality and theme of your wedding or event.
When to Follow Up with Invitations
Remember, save the date cards are not the same as wedding invitations. After sending out save the date cards, you should still plan to send formal wedding invitations closer to the date of the wedding or event. Typically, wedding invitations should be sent out six to eight weeks before the wedding, depending on the location and formality of the event.

Save the date cards are an important part of wedding and event planning, and proper etiquette should be followed when sending and receiving them. By following the guidelines outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can ensure that your save the date cards are informative, stylish, and in line with the formality and theme of your wedding or event. Remember to send them out in a timely manner, address them correctly, and follow up with formal invitations closer to the date of the event. Whether you’re planning an in-person or virtual event, save the date cards are a great way to give your guests a heads up and ensure that they can attend your special day.