14 Fave Save the Date Photo Ideas from 2014 #1 Sports jerseys and a hockey puck prop {photo by Brooklyn D Photography} Such a cute save the date photo idea from this cozy...
Smart and Stylish... The tone of your wedding ceremony is set through the tone of your wedding program. They're conversation starters and your guests will read them! Below are...
Our friend Jen recently got engaged. Congrats! Yay! Hooray! Well, Jen wanted a creative way to ask her besties to be her bridesmaids. Here's Jen to "show and tell" us about...
Planning your wedding invitation suite should be a breeze, right? Well, it can be as stress free as possible--if you avoid the major planning mistakes that have the potential...
Spring wedding season is nearly here! And in addition to spring flowers popping up, so are the season's color trends. In fact, MagnetStreet recently released their spring...
Choosing your wedding colors is a really fun part of designing your wedding. Did you know that at MagnetStreet you can have any colors on any design? Another fun facet to...
In addition to snow, winter often brings a flurry of something else... engagements! If you're recently engaged, you might already be thinking about that first major stationery...
Happy New Year! Ugh! Those dreaded holiday pounds... Need a few ideas for shedding them? Planning a wedding too? Great--this post is for all of us. This new year offers a...
We hope you had a FABULOUS holiday with family and friends! Don't break out that calorie counting app just yet--we've got more sweetness for you to feast on today :) Our Color...
Right in between talking over your wedding budget and creating your wedding Pinterest boards, lies the enjoyable process of discovering your wedding style! It's super fun and...