Were you completely taken off guard or was this proposal a long time coming? Did he get on one knee, take you to a mountain top, or propose in the middle of an Italian square with loved ones hiding in the crowd? Perhaps it was over a romantic meal at some ridiculously expensive restaurant…
Or, maybe your proposal was similar to mine when my then-boyfriend so inspired after the conclusion of the movie "Forever Young" (Mel Gibson) half-turned to me and said, “Will you marry me?” Was I in some posh restaurant or in romantic Italy~ no, but I was definitely on my own mountain top! As the credits rolled, I said “YES” in my living room because I was in love and desired with all my heart to share my life with this person. It was unique, romantic, inspiring to US and isn’t that what a proposal is all about?
So, congratulations to you both and after you climb down from the cloud you were proposed on, you get to share the good news with family and friends. You won’t be able to keep such explosively joyous information to yourselves for too long and just as each proposal is unique, so will the way in which you share your celebratory news! How will you tell parents and family? Since every engagement and family system is different, do you need to be sensitive to traditions, culture or customs? How will you get the auspicious news out to the rest of the world? Will it be through word of mouth, by phone, in-person, newspaper announcement or a save the date?
Since you and your fiancé(e) are unique, every proposal, reception, gift registry, etc. will look different. It’s about the love and uniqueness the two of you share. Exciting! Exciting! Exciting! Bask in the glow and enjoy every moment of it!
Tell us how you were proposed to! I can't way to read them!
Happy Engagement!
All my best!