2 Royal Wedding Cakes

Let them eat cake at the royal wedding... two of them in fact. William requested one of his childhood favorites and Kate's thoughtful pick~ a traditional English fruit cake.

Go team Fiona Cairns~ the English cake maker chosen to create the confectionery centerpiece for Kate and William's wedding breakfast on April 29, 2011. Of course, much is left to our imaginations with final ingredients and what the fruit cake will ultimately look like, but I'm sure the multi-tiered creation will be stunning~ from the "language of flowers" theme { a 16 different bloom embellishment} to the English and oh-so fancy Joseph Lambeth decorating style.

I wonder though, are fruit cakes still getting a bad rap? Dried fruits. Raisins. Walnuts. French brandy. What are your thoughts on fruit cakes for wedding cakes?  Will their popularity skyrocket in light of the royal wedding?

Here are 3 fruit wedding cakes that are definitely not getting a bad rap from me. They look gorgeous, fresh and delicious. What do you think? Fruit wedding cake or fruit cake?

via Martha Stewart Weddings
