A Fearless Bride Session

I have officially become a "Fearless Bride" fan. Why? Because of the sheer beauty and liberation of it... Thanks to couture wedding and portrait photographer Mark Parker for this amazing "fearless bride" sideshow.

via Mark "The term "fearless" came from the ability of the bride to have romantic and creative portraits without being "fearful" that something may stain the dress. Admittedly some brides are more fearless than others.

trash the dress vs. Fearless Bride I've never really liked the term "trash the dress" because it seems a little disrespectful. Destroying a beautiful dress (just for the sake of destroying a dress) just doesn't seem right. But being able to capture the beauty of a bride without fear damaging the dress is liberating for a photographer.

Mark's Brides... My brides see the sessions as a way to memorialize the dress and be able to enjoy it every day through creative photos. Most brides only enjoy their dresses about once a year when they remove the boxed dress from the closet during spring cleaning.

About this Fearless Bride Katheryn and I hit it off like no client I've had before. After Katheryn and I met, we spent quite a bit of time just getting to know each other. I remember that we visited the winery where she was married months before the wedding. We shot her engagement photos at the winery and I had opportunity to meet Zach for the first time. By the time the wedding rolled around we were true friends.

Needless to say, the wedding went off without a hitch and was absolutely beautiful.

To me, one of the most beautiful images I can visualize is a bride on horseback. But that's not something you can do BEFORE the wedding because horses are dirty. Katheryn and I talked about doing a session and I told her that we would only take the session as far as she wanted. I felt like we could capture some stunning images without totally destroying her dress. We agreed not to set any limits ahead of time and just see how "fearless" she was on the day of the shoot. We planned our shoot at Tannehill State Park in the late afternoon. Katheryn was my truly fearless bride!

Thanks so much Mark! Be sure to check out more of Mark's work at www.MarksBrides.com

Here's a part of his bio that floors me...You see, I never want to forget what it feels like to experience young love.  Being a part of weddings nearly every week revitalizes that feeling and feeds my soul. Who wouldn’t, if given a chance, capture the moment in time when they are most happy  and freeze that moment so that it can be relived over and over for the rest of their lives. That's what I do for my clients. That's what I do for me.